Camp Couch Potato
A Match Made in Heaven?
I’m looking for a specific type of client for daycare and boarding in my home. If you are looking for check-ins at your home or for vet advocate services, the following information does not apply.
Please read below to consider whether we might be a match made in couch potato heaven!
Couch Potatoes
Calling all couch potatoes! My home is designed to accommodate lovers of laps, blanket burrowers, donut bed curlers, and heating pad hams. If you’re a pup that can be taken on 3 leisurely walks a day and you’re otherwise satisfied to relax, look out the window, or sit on the porch, this is the place for you.
Super high energy dogs that need to run, hike, swim, and play all day (like hunting and herding dogs) would not be a great fit. My home does not have a yard.
Adult dogs, elderly dogs, disabled dogs
I do not accept puppies, which I define as dogs under 1 year of age. I have a special place in my heart for the old pals who want to spend their sunset years in a calm place when their owner needs a sitter. Many boarding facilities won’t take dogs that have aged to a certain point because of the associated risk. I have taken care of many elderly and disabled dogs, and it is my pleasure to accept the risk and assist with their unique needs. Common issues associated with disability and age like incontinence, seizures, deafness, and blindness are not a problem here! Camp couch potato is on the first floor with no stairs.
Size and breed restrictions
I will never turn away a dog based on their size or breed. Whether you’re a huge doberman or a toy chihuahua, you’re welcome here. The much more important thing is temperament! I curate a safe, relaxing social environment.
Neutering and spaying policy
Your dog MUST be fixed. They have a much higher chance of becoming territorial and aggressive with other dogs when they are not fixed.
Disease control
Your dog must receive regular flea and tick medication, and be up to date on all vaccines as recommended by their veterinarian. If I notice worms in a dog’s stool or that they have a cough, they will be quarantined in my home away from other animals and I will request that you find other arrangements for them as soon as possible, such as boarding with a vet. I have very high cleaning standards in my home and am very attentive to when dogs have any symptoms.
Medical attention
If your dog requires an emergency vet visit while in my care, I do not charge extra for needing to make this trip - I see it as absolutely necessary. You will be responsible for their ER bill, of course, and will need to be available to communicate directly with the ER vet. This included service is usually appealing to those with senior and disabled dogs!
The ER in Durham is Triangle Emergency Referral Hospital at 608 Morreene Road.
Behavior no-nos
I will absolutely not accept dogs that have a bite history - I can not accommodate a dog with any history of attacking, biting, or injuring a person or dog. These types of dogs are best left in-home with a trusted sitter who is aware of the dog’s history, or boarded with a veterinary professional.
I can work with dogs that resource guard (get protective of their food or toys), as I have an organized procedure for feeding dogs in separate areas of the apartment.
I frequently work with dogs that have separation anxiety. This is less of a problem for daycare, and can be more of a problem for longer term overnight boarding. Will they panic, bark nonstop, and destroy property if I leave to run an errand for an hour? Ideally, dogs will be okay if left alone for less than 2 hours. If you can give me reliable tools to manage their separation anxiety, even better.
Gating and crating
I have gates in my home to control the flow of animals in any given room, and to separate them during feeding and sleeping times. They have plenty of space and access to comfy beds, pillows, and blankets at all times.
I don’t crate any of the animals! I don’t own crates. Part of the magical appeal of Camp Couch Potato is that the animals are so well taken care of in such a peaceful environment, they don’t need to be locked up.
If your dog is crate trained and finds it relaxing to be in their crate, you may absolutely bring it. There is plenty of space. But I don’t require this!
Getting along
Sometimes humans feel hesitant about whether their dog will get along with others. As long as there is no history of the dog attacking, I can probably make it work. I take dogs on pack walks so that they learn that they are all one pack, and that I am their pack leader (this is important!). I have an eye for which dogs to purposefully bond together so that they make friends. Please also note that I have a blind cat named Marco. Many people whose dogs will chase stray cats outside are shocked when their dog comes in and meets Marco, mutually sniffing butts as if he were a dog. If you have any hesitations, schedule a (free!) meet and greet before booking.
Setting meet and greet expectations
Before booking a stay, I will typically invite people and their dog into my home. Many people think the purpose is to assess whether your animal gets along with my animals, or so that I can assess your animal’s behavior. In reality, it’s almost impossible to assess either of these things during an initial meet and greet.
During the meet and greet, you are your dog’s pack leader. They don’t see me as that yet. They don’t yet see the other animals as their pack. When they first come in, they may turn into an overstimulated crackhead, pee on things, try to guard you from other animals, bark at the cat, poke the other dogs in the head, and act like a maniac. You might think, oh my god, this is so embarrassing, and we’ll never be allowed back here.
Not to worry, please. I am a seasoned professional!
The real and sole purpose of the meet and greet is for you, the human, to assess your comfortability with leaving your one true love in my space. Nothing more.
Their first few stays with me will be the true test. They have to adapt to me as pack leader, to their fellow pack mates, and to my rules and routine. I can really only assess whether they will continue to be a good fit after a few tries.
Scheduling flexibility
Life is uncertain, and plans change. For this reason, you may book and then cancel or modify your plans at any time. I don’t do cancellation fees. When you pay for service, I prefer that you pay me at pickup, after the service is completed. That way, we don’t have to keep track of refunds. I’m more than happy to communicate with my clients and be flexible, always.
0-4 hours: $20
4-8 hours: $35
8+ hours: $45
Overnight Boarding
Nightly rate for 1 dog: $65/night
Families with additional dog: $65 for 1st dog; +$35 for additional dog
Holiday rate: $85/night/dog
Long Term Boarding
Going on a trip for 3 weeks or more? I use a different pricing scale to make this affordable for you.
3 weeks: $750 per dog
Monthly rate: $950 per dog
Pick me up and take me to Camp Couch Potato
0-5 mile radius: $15
6-10 mile radius: $30
Ride home from Camp Couch Potato
0-5 mile radius: $15
6-10 mile radius: $30